Termovent Academy is a sector of our company in which education and training for our employees, associates and students take place. Within the academy, there is a training center where participants can get acquainted with the HVAC system, the associated air chamber, as well as the system of clean rooms produced by Termovent.
Educators at the Termovent Academy are often our business partners and we are pleased that this was the case from 17th to 18th May 2022. Company we are talking about is Danfoss, a global company which offers solutions and products in areas of gas compression, air conditioning, variable frequency drives, and other business in industrial ventilation solutions. Globally, Danfoss has over 40,000 employees, and we are very pleased that representatives of such a company have been presenters to our employees.
Our colleague, Igor Madžić, technical support manager in the Air Treatment Division, shared with us his impressions of this training.
It is a great honor and pleasure for me that, within the training center of Termovent Academy, we managed to organize a two-day training for our engineers in cooperation with our long-term business partner, company Danfoss.
The topic was the area of “Climate solutions for cooling” with special emphasis on the freon installation and supporting components. This was a unique opportunity to bring these technical solutions which are energy efficient and applied around to world, closer to young engineers by combining theory and practice. I believe that we succeeded in that.
On behalf of all my colleagues who have attended these dynamics and very effective lectures, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Danfoss for their professionalism and dedication.
Igor Madžić
We are looking forward to continuing our cooperation with Danfoss, and we believe that many mutual successes await us.
Special thanks to our presenters:
Sladjana Stijelja – Marketing Communication, Danfoss
Vladimir Beljanski – Area Sales Engineer, Adriatic region, Danfoss
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