Together with the construction of the new Termovent factory in the fourth industrial revolution, we decided to go hand in hand with the Belgrade company MT-Komex, to which we entrusted the installation of a solar … 13:05:062021-02-23 08:44:06Termovent and MT-Komex reduced annual carbon dioxide production by 75 tons
We have more than 2 months of a great crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The number of patients increased every day, employees worked according to special regimes (mostly from home)… 13:59:042020-09-28 06:46:37How Termovent turned a crisis into an opportunity and what are we working on in the Netherlands?
In Termovent’s 27-year long history there have been many projects and we are proud of each of them. Each project has been completed within the stipulated time, with high quality and a satisfied partner.
The first online conference organized by SAM in collaboration with the ICT Hub: “Business in challenging times – How to responsibly adapt business for the benefit of employees, companies and society?” 12:24:112020-03-20 14:54:28The first ONLINE CONFERENCE "Business in challenging times"
The Serbian Association of Managers in cooperation with ICT HUB is organizing an online conference “Business in challenging times – How to responsibly adapt business for the benefit of employees, companies and society?”.
We at Termovent closely monitor developments and activities related to coronavirus COVID-19 spread and continue to assess this real-time situation, and with this in mind want to provide an update on our preparedness measures.
Kopaonik Business Forum is an event that is organized once a year, and gives an opportunity to discuss about the most important economic and social issues in Serbia. 08:31:352020-03-30 12:21:10Kopaonik Business Forum 2020
Behind us is one of the most successful years in Termovent’s business history. In addition to the great expansion of our team and innovation in manufacturing we are very proud of our very successful cooperation with our partners. 19:30:152020-03-05 08:28:37THE BEST PARTNERS IN 2019
In 2019, in addition to major projects around the world, it was a sign of the construction of our second factory in Kladovo. In addition to the existing one, which covers an area of 3000m2 19:32:372020-03-05 08:37:11COMPLETION OF BUILDING A NEW FACTORY 19:35:062020-03-05 08:47:02ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL PROJECT IN RUSSIA - EVALAR COMPANY
Termovent and MT-Komex reduced annual carbon dioxide production by 75 tons
news engTogether with the construction of the new Termovent factory in the fourth industrial revolution, we decided to go hand in hand with the Belgrade company MT-Komex, to which we entrusted the installation of a solar …
How Termovent turned a crisis into an opportunity and what are we working on in the Netherlands?
news engWe have more than 2 months of a great crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The number of patients increased every day, employees worked according to special regimes (mostly from home)…
Laboratory “Fire eye”
news engIn Termovent’s 27-year long history there have been many projects and we are proud of each of them. Each project has been completed within the stipulated time, with high quality and a satisfied partner.
The first ONLINE CONFERENCE “Business in challenging times”
news engThe first online conference organized by SAM in collaboration with the ICT Hub: “Business in challenging times – How to responsibly adapt business for the benefit of employees, companies and society?”
ONLINE CONFERENCE “Business in challenging times” – Announcement
news engThe Serbian Association of Managers in cooperation with ICT HUB is organizing an online conference “Business in challenging times – How to responsibly adapt business for the benefit of employees, companies and society?”.
Covid-19 notification for partners
news engWe at Termovent closely monitor developments and activities related to coronavirus COVID-19 spread and continue to assess this real-time situation, and with this in mind want to provide an update on our preparedness measures.
Kopaonik Business Forum 2020
news engKopaonik Business Forum is an event that is organized once a year, and gives an opportunity to discuss about the most important economic and social issues in Serbia.
news engBehind us is one of the most successful years in Termovent’s business history. In addition to the great expansion of our team and innovation in manufacturing we are very proud of our very successful cooperation with our partners.
news engIn 2019, in addition to major projects around the world, it was a sign of the construction of our second factory in Kladovo. In addition to the existing one, which covers an area of 3000m2
news engEvalar is a Russian company based in Biysk, Siberia, and at the same time sells its products throughout Europe and North America.